Offered nationwide as the first of its kind annual maintenance program for in-filled synthetic turf, the Sport-Install SportChamp Service Program utilizes the SMG SportChamp to vacuum, de-compact and groom synthetic turf surfaces.
The vacuuming process filters contaminants from the synthetic surface by screening the in-fill material in a series of sieve trays and returning the cleaned in-fill material back into the surface free of debris.
The de-compaction process loosens up compacted in-fill material restoring resilience to the surface and in turn improving impact attenuation plus other relevant characteristics of the synthetic surface.
The final grooming helps even out the in-fill material and places the turf fibers in their original upright position.
Keeping your surface free of debris with an annual maintenance program from Sport-Install will help your synthetic turf stand the test of time and over the years we have been able to take multiple existing fields past their originally intended life span by performing the SportChamp service annually.
Given the current and future rising cost for synthetic turf, gaining extra years of use from your turf surface will by far offset the cost of our annual SportChamp service. At the same time it will allow you to keep your synthetic turf field in good playing condition, providing peace of mind for the field owners and athletes alike.
For more information, to receive a proposal, or to schedule a visit by your regional Sports-Install representative, please contact us.